1.Understanding docker first run
3.Trip Segmentation Count
with cte1 as (
select index ,case when trip_distance <=1 then '1m'
when trip_distance >1 and trip_distance<=3 then '3m'
when trip_distance >3 and trip_distance <=7 then '7m'
when trip_distance >7 and trip_distance<=10 then '10m'
else '10m+' end as trip_levels
from green_tripdata)
select count(index) as cnt,trip_levels from cte1
group by trip_levels
4.Longest trip for each day
select lpep_pickup_datetime::date,trip_distance from green_tripdata
order by trip_distance desc
5.. Three biggest pickup zones
with cte1 as (
select g.total_amount,g."PULocationID",z."Zone" as zone from green_tripdata g join
zone_lookup z on g."PULocationID" = z."LocationID"
where lpep_pickup_datetime::date = '2019-10-18')
select sum(total_amount),zone from cte1
group by zone
order by sum(total_amount) desc